Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Mā te whakātu, ka mohio, mā te mohio ka marama, mā te marama ka matau, mā te matau ka ora

Article III of Te Tiriti o Waitangi grounds our commitment to improving equity for Māori as tāngata whenua (people of the land).

How we translate this into practice:

  • Leadership at all levels including:
    • Te Rūnanga Hauora Māori o Te Moana a Toi (Governance)
    • Manukura/ Executive Director for Toi Ora (Executive leadership)
    • Pou Tikanga/ Chief Advisor Māori (Executive leadership)
    • Te Amorangi Kāhui Kaumātua (Council of esteemed elders)
  • Valuing and utilizing mātauranga Māori in the design and delivery of health services:
    • Te Amorangi Kāhui Kaumātua as a wisdom guide;
    • He Pou Oranga Tāngata Whenua as a model of care;
    • Supporting the development of kaupapa Māori partners and their services;
    • Making space for tōhungatanga, karakia and rongoa as legitimate healing practice alongside kaupapa Pākehā medical practices;
    • Pou Kōkiri and kaupapa Māori workforce within the hospital environment.
  • Celebrating Māori achievement:
    • Matāriki Awards: Celebrating everything our people do to improve our whānau experience, eliminate health inequities for Māori and develop the Māori workforce through our values
    • Wānanga: for all Māori staff three times per year to showcase mātauranga Māori, Te Toi Ahorangi and to connect our Māori health champions to Māori Health Gains and Development
  • Building workforce capacity to work towards equity for Māori:
    • Free on-site Te Reo Māori classes for staff and their whānau
    • Te Kakenga: a training package including training in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, institutional racism and unconscious bias, equity, cultural intelligence and Te Toi Ahorangi.

It is essential that our whole workforce engages effectively with Māori and our culturally diverse community. The opportunities above are here to support you to identify resources, build knowledge, and link with networks related to improving health equity.