Our social workers can provide advice and support.

On this page

About our social workers

Our social workers can assist with any social problem(s) that will affect your ongoing care or discharge planning.

This free service for New Zealand residents may include:

  • helping you decide what services or other support you may need
  • advising on eligibility and funding assistance to obtain those services
  • help organising those services into a flexible care package
  • providing you and your family with a supportive, understanding and confidential relationship for you to discuss any personal matters that may concern you.

What they can help you with

  • Counseling and support for personal, whānau/family, adjustment, loss and other health related issues
  • Planning for discharge home from hospital
  • Information on community health services
  • Crisis intervention
  • Referral to other support agencies
  • Privately funded recovery care
  • Transport for those with health related problems
  • Legal services
  • Home care
  • Funding for gardening assistance, meal preparation and medical expenses
  • Private nursing
  • Additional financial services including access and advocacy for Work & Income NZ assistance

Respecting your rights

Our social workers who assist you will make every effort to ensure:

  • that your confidentiality is respected and your right to privacy is protected
  • that the social work service that you receive will be sensitive and appropriate to your personal and cultural beliefs and values
  • that you receive all the information you require to make informed decisions on your care needs
  • that, to the greatest extent possible, you will be consulted and involved in all decision-making that affects you
  • that your needs will be given a high priority and that you will receive the highest standard of service that the social worker can provide
  • that social work files are confidential and kept securely within the department. If you wish to have access to your personal information, please discuss this with your social worker.