News and notices Pānui

Tauranga Hospital ED named as Location of Interest

26 November 2021

Tauranga Hospital Emergency Department has been named as a location of interest for a COVID-19 exposure event.

The event took place between 8.42pm on Saturday 20 November and 1.10am on Sunday 21 November. At this time a patient, who subsequently tested positive for COVID-19, was present in the ED.

All staff were wearing appropriate PPE and there were no breaches during the exposure window. As a result, it has not been necessary to stand any hospital staff down from work.

All patients/support persons/whānau of the case have been identified as close contacts. Whilst all patients linked to the case have been identified, help is still being requested to identify all other support persons, whānau, and ED visitors around this time.

If you believe you were in Tauranga Hospital ED during this timeframe, or know of someone who was, please call Healthline 0800 358 5453 or you can record your visit online.

Ngā mihi,

Trevor Richardson
BOPDHB COVID-19 Incident Controller