News and notices Pānui

Arrive early at BOP hospitals as COVID-19 screening could cause short delays

06 January 2022

People are being asked to arrive early when visiting hospital as important COVID-19 screening procedures mean there may be a short delay in gaining entry.

Arrive early at BOP hospitals as COVID-19 screening could cause short delays

As part of the Bay of Plenty District Health Board’s preparedness to protect our patients, staff and the community from COVID-19, every person visiting Tauranga and Whakatāne Hospitals is screened before entering the hospitals. Sometimes this may cause a delay to enter the hospital, so it is important to plan ahead and arrive earlier than required.

When you arrive at the hospital, you will be asked a series of questions related to COVID-19 symptoms such as: Do you have a cough, a high temperature, shortness of breath, have you been in contact with anyone who may have COVID-19? This is to determine whether or not you’re at risk of having COVID-19.

The front door flow at Tauranga and Whakatāne Hospital allows for the consistent screening and to maintain social distancing. Unfortunately, you may need to wait outside the hospital while those in front of you are screened by staff on duty.

“These measures are really important and necessary to protect our patients, community and staff,” says BOPDHB COVID-19 Incident Controller Stewart Ngatai. “Unfortunately, it can mean a bit of a wait sometimes, however planning ahead and arriving early will hopefully alleviate unnecessary stress – E mua kaikai, e muri kai huare.”