Health in Ageing

Health in Ageing specialist services for older people

Our Health in Ageing (HIA) specialist services for older people is based in Tauranga Hospital.

They provide specialist hospital staff who can identify issues that people may need assistance with. They also provide a  dedicated stroke unit and a TIA Clinic service (a TIA is a warning stroke, or mini-stroke).

The service has access to a gymnasium and outpatient facilities. It also has an attached residential 'flat' that allows a transition for patients due to be discharged home. These patients can regain confidence living independently, with the support of hospital staff who can identify issues they may need assistance with.

We provide two aged care facilities in Tauranga for the sole use of respite care clients aged over 65, and we also provide secured 'Level 3' dementia beds. Usage is being monitored to ensure these beds meet the needs of our community.

They are available to Support Net clients living in the community, either alone or with a carer, who have been assessed by Support Net as having high needs.

Contact the HIA team

Ph 07 579 8716