Enquiries, confirming, cancelling, or changing an appointment

Enquiries, confirming, cancelling, or changing an appointment

If you need immediate/urgent help, dial 111 for an ambulance, or go to your nearest hospital emergency department Tauranga HospitalWhakatāne Hospital

Confirming or changing an appointment

If you have been sent an appointment at Tauranga Hospital or Whakatāne Hospital, please check your appointment letter for the right place, time and day.

When confirming or changing your appointment, please refer to the letter we sent you with your appointment time and place. It contains information you will need to answer for our online form or for when you call us.

Use the update patient contact details form, or call 0800 333 477 to confirm or change your appointment by phone.

It's important we have your latest contact details. If your details have changed or you would just like to confirm them, please update patient contact details form.